続きを読む Noodles soup soybean milk somen めんつゆ豆乳そうめん Soybean milk percent of the noodles soup was delic...
続きを読む Open sandwich of avocado and the tomato アボカドとトマトのオープンサンド It is a reliable pair.間違いない組み合わせです。 創健社 有精卵マヨネーズ(3...
続きを読む Matcha latte and bean-jam ball with a covering of kudzu starch 抹茶ラテと葛まんじゅう Bean-jam ball with a covering of kudzu starch whic...
続きを読む There is not the thing superior to nature 自然に勝るものはない I feel that the beautiful thing is natural without...
続きを読む Open sandwich of kidney beans and the boiled egg いんげんとゆで卵のオープンサンド There is satisfaction when I fully put ingredients...